A term used by Filipino redditors to refer to upper or upper-middle class elites, billionaires, millionaires, and other white-collared older folk (almost always Baby Boomers) whom they view with disdain and out of touch with the socio-economic and cultural views with the younger Millennial and Generation Z kids, who are more likely active on other social media sites (such as Reddit and Tiktok) compared to Facebook which the older Baby Boomers and Gen X crowd use.
Gen Z PH Redditor: Types "Why do these 88M Boomers mock us younger folk for not following outdated family stereotypes?"
Another Millennial PH Redditor: Agree. They don't know that inflation and high prices screw up any chances of having a car, single family home, and 2.5 kids.
by Anti-Normies May 26, 2023
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