6666 is NOT the number of verses in the Quran. The Quran has 6236 verses. This is to clear up a common misinformation
Person A: OMG the Quran has 6666 verses. That is, like, similar to 666. I am so scared.

Person B: Actually the Quran has only 6236 verses
by watermoon March 27, 2007
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The number of verses in the Qor'an depends on the way you count them. As in the Bible, edition may show minor differences in that respect.

Many Muslims say the qor'an has 6666 verses, whether there is an edition with 6666 verses, I don't know. Perhaps the best way to look at this issue is to call 6666 the "popular" number of verses in the Qor'an.
Numbers mentioned besides 6666 as the total of Qor'anic verses are 6214, 6236, 6348, and 6616.
by Weidner-Kim September 11, 2007
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The Qur'an contains 6,666 verses.

The qur'an took 23 years to complete and was written by The Prophet Muhammad but handed down to him by a higher power.

The qur'an is divided into thirty equal divisions, which are called juz in Arabic. There are 114 chapters and 336,233 letters.
There are 6666 verses in The Qur'an.
by The Moody Poet November 24, 2006
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This is how many verses are in the Koran. Despite the other person saying it is not, just google it to see proof. It is very similiar to the devils number 666 and this is why Muslims don't want you to know about it.
There are 6666 verses in the koran.
by The Moody Poet April 15, 2007
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kid:hey im gonna call 666-6666
666-6666:this is the devil who is this
by reaper345 March 26, 2007
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a 13 year old audio maker who used to beam and keeps getting termed on roblox.
caden#6666 is daddy
by swat900 January 1, 2022
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