1.An American company that seems to be obsessed with nothing other than taking good anime and butchering them into kid shows.For example,editing out blood,violence,death and other things that they think will corrupt our nation's children.This company is said to have entire armies of soccer moms waiting to send tons of hate-mail and other forms of bitching to corporations who try and compete against them.

2.See Anti-Christ.
4Kids will be the downfall of all freedom what-so-ever.
by Andrew RW November 23, 2004
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A US company that makes anime shows more kid-friendly. They ruined anime by changing the soundtracks, giving the characters silly voices (some are good though), and adding puns.

Shows like Sonic X, Yugioh, One Piece and Pokemon are some examples.

The company deserves to be buried deep under the earth.
Person A: Hi B. Whatcha doing?

Person B: Hi A. I'm watching Pokemon. And guess what? The songs rock! I just love it! 4Kids rulesss!

Person A: I better split! This is getting scary!
by ab2001 November 18, 2006
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A dubbing company that changes everything in a lot of anime purely for profit.

They change the shows into "Kiddie" shows for younger children are more likely to go for the lame toys they dish out.

Anime was never meant for kids in the first place. It's directed for the Young Adults who are to old for the real kid cartoons (Not the classics, like looney toons :P)
"New crappy toys from our shows! Spend your parents money today while filling ours! We spend $.05 on the plastic to make it but we're selling it to you for $5!
by Jason M. January 27, 2005
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An anime company that would do a lot better with anime if someone stuck flaming bluejays up there anus and into the're large intestine.
Pet Store Guy: How can I help you
Anime Guy : yes I need a large amount of flaming bluejays.
Pet Store Guy: ....
Anime Guy: It's for 4Kids
Pet Store Guy:Oh,Okay cash or charge
by ME July 5, 2004
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Company responsible for butchering the anime Shaman King. I picked up the manga and thought it was awesome but then watched the show in horror. Manta's name is now Mortimer (what did he do to deserve that name?) and Ren's name is replaced with Lenny. The horror! Ren sounds like a british priss now even though he's Chinese. Then 4kids thought, "Let's put a spanish accent on a Japanese guys! The fans should be really pissed now!"

Oh, and they just liscenced Naruto. What is this world coming to????
"Wow, look at the mob of horoxren fangirls storming 4kids HQ with hatchets and machine guns"
by katieandginger January 24, 2005
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Known fully as "4KIDS Entertainment", it is rumored that 4KIDS is made up of former Rankin-Bass employees (known for classics like the claymation Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer). Once they broke off of Rankin-Bass, they became an anime dubbing company. Their first property was Nintendo's Pokemon, which quickly gained the company massive amounts of fame, and, of course, money. They soon went on to get Cubix, Yu-Gi-Oh, and, eventually, they bought out Saban's FoxKids Saturday Morning Block and transformed it into their own FoxBox (now known as "4KIDS.tv").

They are a company to the core, and as such, care about one thing alone: the bottom line. The Bottom Line for 4KIDS is profit. They will seek maximum profit in any way whatsoever. Usually, this involves drastically altering the anime license they have - re-writing all the dialogue, re-composing all the music, and generally editing the content so heavily it's difficult to comprehend what the show was originally like.
One of the worst cases of this is One Piece; a show featuring lots of graphic violence, centered around Luffy - a boy who battles his way to become the King of the Pirates. 4KIDS has turned this show into an embarassment, all for the Bottom Line.
by The Lost Skeleton July 21, 2005
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