4D Realm is a mental mindset that a person achieves when they are able to perceive life with already accepting their existential fate, and can see the faults in the system.
I have noticed Damien has entered the 4D realm, he is happier nowadays
by Ma4D May 25, 2020
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drug & disease & drunk & drama free. In responding to on line postings such as craigslist and kijiji, this is an expansion of the usual "D&D free" label. One might infer, for example, that light drinking is acceptable but not pure pifflication which, invariably, leads to far too much drama for ordinary mortals.
Yes I'm D&D free, in fact, I'm 4D free.
by Puffin Feet December 30, 2009
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A 4D Mining Game Created By A Game Developer Named Mashpoe, Clearly Inspired By Minecraft.
Did you play 4D Miner yet? It's Free On Steam!
by fireballfurby May 27, 2022
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A term most often used to mock people who try to present their incompetence as a part of a greater strategy or mind game (which may exist, but usually does not).

A less ironic sense of the word is often used to refer to fictional storylines where characters come to power through intrigue, manipulation, and/or gaslighting, often mocking them if this plot device is used in a very over-the-top, unrealistic way. The rise of Palpatine is one of the most prominent examples, since manufacturing a civil war along with decades of political tension through several secret identities, four generations of brainwashed agents, and a mentally stunted alien senator is far from realism
"I don't get why everyone thinks he's playing some kind of 4D chess. He's clearly just spouting nonsense."

"I love the action scenes in prequels, but Palpatine's 4D chess kinda ruins the immersion."
by idksogtfo July 23, 2020
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Christ’s exceeding love for believers that is too great for them to ever understand how wide and long and high and deep it is—a love that is beyond measure and that surpasses any form of human knowledge or wisdom.
A God who could not leave us to suffer eternal death and disease and sickness and sent His beloved Son to bear all our sins and sicknesses upon His own body, as demonstrated by His death on the cross, is divine proof of 4D love in action.
by MathPlus April 29, 2021
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Political moves on the international scene. Involving extremely complex assesments of the game situation that may lead to a stalemate or a runaway game. Imagine a chess game played in 3d in a cube configuration where time is a huge factor, and you get 4d chess.
all world leaders are basically playing 4d chess right now.
by underskourge January 5, 2017
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a word generally used to describe Kim Taehyung, talented rapper of BTS who is always on a different planet than normal people. A nickname made by us beautiful ARMYs
"The 4d alien is so cute in Not Today mv omo!"
"Ikr, Tae is totally my bias now."
by taekooksugar April 15, 2017
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