EGG spelled with numbers

EGG | 366

3665 is how you spell EGGS

EGGS | 3665
X: Can you type the word "egg" with only numbers
Y: Yes, 366
by I eat poop 69 December 25, 2021
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Friend: What is Furry Porn?
You: Watch the video "Room 366"
Friend: *has changed his sexuality*
by Fexiven October 29, 2018
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also: 25/8 and twenty-five eight.
adjective - 1. perpetual, incessant, non-stop, restless
2. alias and brand name of ethnically-diverse multimedia company in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (coined in 2000).
Noel works 25/8/366, I'm surprised dude has time for his shorty.
by shoklix November 19, 2008
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All the dang time. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 366 days a year. Same concept as 24/7/365, but is valid every 4 years. This year you can use this term to call people out for saying 24/7/365, cause thats technically wrong :)
YAY!!!! I love being in quarantine 24/7/366!!!! It's really the best thing ever in the history of all things :) And by the way, to all the people who are saying 24/7/365, you're wrong :)
by Pialinist May 21, 2020
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