When a guy is transitioned to a transgender woman and likes girl .
, oh look that’s not a lesbian that’s lesbos since is born a guy . Oh look at those two happy lesbos , why lesbos because they were born guys . Have you seen south park episode with the lesbos .
by Huose del Garden November 10, 2022
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A lesbiphobic slur/derogatory word used towards lesbians.
Do not say this word unless you are lesbian.
Daniel: "Dude she told me she was a lesbo!"
Max: "Hey, dude, you probably shouldn't say that, my lesbian friend told me it was derogatory."
Daniel: "Oh shit sorry man, i didn't know. I wont say it again"
by kornfan999 January 1, 2022
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a noun
a slang term for lesbians, it can be considered a slur to different lesbians.
1: whats up my lesbos?
2: shut the fuck up faggot
3: guys calm the fuck down

2: fruitcup
by nyx (pakusluvbot) December 12, 2021
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a way to refer to a lesbian person, usually in a non-supportive way
Person: Did you hear SOMEONE came out as a lesbian?

Very rude friend: what a lesbo.
by SomeoneLmao October 18, 2023
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An sinful word that can cause a mans penis to disappear without a trace. If said to a female it can cause enlongated testicles to grow in place of the clitoris.
John: your grandpap trap
Becky the black: shutup u gay I’ll make your millimeter Peter disappear
John: do it lol
Becky the black: ur uncle a lesbo

*johns penis evaporates*
by JOHN THE NIGGA March 14, 2018
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