In the programming language HTML the sign < means begin and </ means end. So geeks and computer enthusiasts who are pacifists may use the word </war> in stead of writing out end war.
Jon - "Did you see the guy over there?"

Rick - "No why?"

Jon - "He had a shirt that said end war in HTML. (</war>)"

Rick - "Oh yeah I know him he works for microsoft."
by Alfman123 January 19, 2010
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does not determine who is right, but who is left.
war in iraq, the only thing that makes CNN worth watching.
by sid33 March 9, 2005
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"Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."
Mao Tse-Tung (1893 - 1976)
by Mertown June 9, 2007
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An organized, violent conflict between two or more large groups of individuals, countries, societies, factions, tribes, etc. War has been waged by humans since time immemorial, first with rocks and sticks, then with bows and arrows and stone axes, then with progressively more advanced weapons. Wars have generally been fought for land, religion, political and ideological control and control of resources. Today, wars are waged with firearms, bombs, satellites, various forms of artillery mounted on a number of different weapons platforms. The number of weapons during the 20th century also expanded to include chemical, biological, and nuclear arms and each of those has seen limited use during that time period. Only one type of warfare is capable of wiping out the species that spawned it, and that is nuclear. Only this type of war has never been truly fought, outside of the destruction of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. Some of the wars fought during the last 14 years include conflicts in Iraq, Israel, Kashmir, Somalia, Afghanistan, Rwanda, Congo, Colombia, Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Lebanon and Liberia. During the 20th century it is estimated that over 127 million people have lost their lives in war.
War will be around so long as humans are around to wage it.
by Ares July 7, 2004
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A pretty bitchin' card game played by children.
Jimmy, a king does not beat an ace! I'm telling mom!
by Red Devil Slim April 8, 2004
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France tried to fight a war...they lost.
by Wes November 1, 2003
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A highly profitable business for the people in power. An excellent excuse to give away taxpayers money to large corporations instead of putting it to use for the betterment of society.

It is a euphemism for terrorism.
War was initially invented as a passtime activity for impotent men, as sort of a substitute for sexual intercourse, but today it has become one of the most profitable businesses.
by Messist September 14, 2010
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