Scientists have thought long and hard about the meaning of this obscure symbol, but we think it might mean something positive. Often used when you run out of things to say, but you want to keep the conversation going.
Person 1 - Hey wyd?

Person 2 - Nothing wbu?

Person 1 - Same.

Person 2 - ,

Person 1 - ,
by therealblimbhady September 18, 2018
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Originally was a full stop. Saw a sperm cell. Shazam. Comma was invented
Head was a full stop, the flick is a sperm tail
by Definition of comma July 7, 2019
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A symbol that used to seperate a word,when in speaking,the speaker will stop for at least 1.500000000 seconds before they speak another sentence seperated by a ",".Sometimes,it will make the reader confused if placed in the wrong place in a sentence.
by alteddaniel June 10, 2023
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