A term used by overly-patriotic and often ignorant/hick Americans to claim pride over their country. Also, a term used by more educated Americans to mock the overly patriotic rednecks that use the term.
Redneck example: "Let's randomly have a party celebrating America in the middle of the year (not related to 4th of July or any other holiday) just to celebrate America! 'Merica! Oh, And gays and immigrants suck! 'Merica"
Educated example: "Do these morons realize that America is about freedom and we are a land of immigrants. They probably have never picked up a history book in their life, and blindly follow Fox news. 'Merica!"
by Anonymouse0rt8405r82340852 March 15, 2015
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Dumbest way of saying 'America' I have ever heard.
I love merica, goddammit. If yer one of those goddam socialist-types who doesn't like it here...well, you can move to Finlandia 'er sumplace.
by StevieTheOldFrigginFart July 7, 2016
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A word used by Alambamian Country Boys to describe the land Donald Trump has made.
John said Merica could be better if the wall was built
by Zxa April 1, 2019
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1) Term used by overtly patriotic narcissistic, republican, redneck, right wingers, evangelists and generally uneducated american bigots, to proclaim offensive and aggressive ideology as endearing to patriotism and thus the quality of American life.
2) Term used by intelligent people around the world to sum up or point out through mockery, the ridiculousness of overtly patriotic narcassistic, republican, redneck, right wingers, evangelists and generally uneducated bigots.
1) USED PATRIOTICALLY/ a. "In the name of god, let's kill them before they kill us! Merica!"
b. "Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Merica!"
2) INTELLIGENT MOCKERY/ a. "Yeehaw boys! Kill 'em all, let god sort 'em out! Merica!"

b. "Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people! Merica."
by GD68 June 15, 2015
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The less sophisticated pronounciation and spelling of America.

Used by the unitelligent and/or Red Neck patriot folk.

Merica is the home of the Obese, the stupid, the racist and the guns. F*** YEAHH! MERICA!
Transgender Demiqueer Bi-racial Racoon Merican Teacher: If you combine guns, obesity and stupidity, what do you have class?

Students: (In unison) U have Merica(MERICCAA!)

Teacher: Yipee Ki Yay Mother F****r.
by DustHex April 27, 2017
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1. The country where primative apes thrive; mainly off of Macdonald's hamburgers and tears from the souls of war- torn countries.

2. A destitute land where thirteen year old zombies rage and fap to Call of Duty

3. Term is used by ignorant toothless, beer gutted halfwits, but is now becoming more popular with the mortally obese youths.
Man 1: You hear that shit thats going down in Syria?

Man 2: No, what?

Man 1: The Army just shelled the whole village! What a shame...

Man 2: Serves them pakis right! Merica !!!!!!
by Anti-Stupid December 16, 2013
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A word that few people use and merica should be said and used more frequently in people’s lives if your not from merica then don’t read it
I’m from merica use the word in your lives
by Merica’s definition May 12, 2019
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