A add on Super Bowl 50! Hilarious and addicting!
Eder: Did you see the Super Bowl last night?

TJ: Yeah, it was hilar-bear!

Eder: yeah, #puppymonkeybaby right?

TJ: Yeah.
by TheDarkCaveSpider February 23, 2016
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Some Wierd shit that Mountain Dew kickstart came up with
Dude did you see the commercial with the puppymonkeybaby in it? That was freakin hilarious!
by Falloutfanboy March 19, 2016
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A disturbing creature with a puppy dog's head, a monkey's body, and a babies legs. Starred in a Mountain Dew Kickstart Commercial for Super Bowl 50.
by puppymonkeybaby February 11, 2016
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A puppy. A monkey. A baby. Made famous during Super Bowl 50
"Is that a monkey? Or a puppy? Or a baby?.... I think it's a puppymonkeybaby"
by August T February 8, 2016
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