Being #madcuzbad is the ultimate lid flipper for anyone who is heated whilst playing rust, or any game for that matter, being #madcuzbad means you die and get angry even though you would have killed him if you were just better (pretty cringe).

Friend 2: #madcuzbad u stinky retard xd
by not a peenballer February 11, 2021
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A word commonly used in the PC video games Left 4 Dead, and Left 4 Dead 2. The word is excursively used in a negative way; and meant to incite rage within those it is directed towards.

It brings into question a persons abilities in video games, and life in general. It may be substituted with any of following:

mad cuz bad? mad cuz bad, bro? u mad cuz bad, bro? u mad cuz bad? y u mad, bro? mad cuz im stylin' on ya, bro? madcuzbad, bro? u mad cuz u bad? u mad cuz u bad, bro?

While any of those version are acceptable, the primary usage is one word: madcuzbad?
Man, you really suck. madcuzbad?
by ShootyMcBangBang February 7, 2011
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Erika is mad Cuz Bad Erika is so and because she lost against me. Erika I so mad and bad that she is scared Jealous that UM BETTER THEN HER
Stop being a MadCuzBad
by Tyler the god November 28, 2019
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