#blameride is the hashtag that is used to define anything that goes wrong in State 801 of Last Shelter Survival. State 801 is great except for stuff Ride does. #blameride
“Man, I was gonna go to State 801 and have a good time, but I just got 801’d, #blameride .” - Everyone

“I was doing my zone comm until ride told me it wasn’t necessary, that guy is the worst! #blameride “ -Sini

“Why do I attack farms? #blameride” -พี่หมีน้อย

“Austin is so good looking, but usually when he is standing next to ride. Ride being a middle 2 really makes Austin go from a solid 9 to a 10. He is so cute!” -Alison
by Austin.02 May 22, 2020
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