Swamp sheep: a person who loves the goverment swamp as it is and trusts that the goverment has the best intrest of then in mind. Particularly a Democrat, a victim type mentality. They likely work for the goverment in some form and have loyalty to the swamp continuing to provide for them. A sort of blind loyalty, very naive to the world and how it works. Swamp sheep would rather live in a cage in a corrupt goverment claim blm and defund the police yet would be the first cowards to call the cops when someone breaks a rule like not wearing a mask during covid 19.
He's a swamp sheep. Been living off the govt tit since he was a boy.
by Itsfree October 28, 2020
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Mom, i have a thunder sheep!
by xX 44100 Xx March 18, 2021
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(verb) (noun) (adj) - To bring a organ of a sheep from the biology wing to the lunch room and leave it for others to mess with and get in trouble with.
1. Matt brought the Sheep's Heart to the lunch rooom and some of us got In-School-Restriction for being part of it.

2. That Sheep Heart really fucked us, now we're in trouble.

3. That thing was just like the Sheep Heart!
by mantreeotto April 14, 2007
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A traditional term used by a small group of people of a certain community, formal, for using an artifact that grasps the capability to grind a certain plant, which is oftenly inhaled in the form of smoking.
by Kill The Scene. February 26, 2009
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Often a male that is incredibly bitch, entitled and rich. These people are often in suburban areas. Big houses. And lots of money. They will often try and fit in with jokes stolen from comedians, most of the time the joke is spotted and the person is then angry. For being called fake or posh. They are often into normie memes. Or biesexual or gay but cannot make up their mind. Thus they will go through feminazi categories to make themselves feel needlessly special. When they aren't

Usually found in : The USA and the UK.

Keep your eyes open. Because they are super cringy and will leech off you when they grow up. Or just leech off you
Victor : Hey Pete, i think Patrick's a queen in sheep's clothing
Pete : Yeah, let them buy their own stuff. He often spends my money. The prick
by DEPRESSEDJESTER February 24, 2018
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on the 2nd of july every year it’s suzie sheep day <3
it’s the 2nd of july! it must be suzie sheep day!
by tqbqthq July 31, 2021
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someone blindly following geek culture icons without being actually passionate about them.
look at all those geek sheep watching the new disney star wars movie!
i hear janet likes the ghostbusters reboot - what a total geek sheep!
by prdict0r May 23, 2021
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