Mary told her misbehaving students who were lying to her to stop it with the Buffalo Bagels.
by DarthFlyer November 26, 2021
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Originally found in the Carolinas, a Carolina Bagel Bite is inserting a Carolina reaper pepper into was vaginal cavity or rectum and eating the feces infested seeds for a stinky and spicy satisfaction.
Wow I love practicing the Carolina Bagel Bite with my the boys after Nelking.
by spicy anal 69 July 13, 2022
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Ashley: Excited for your date tonight?
Ben: Imma Blow her mind and finagle the bagel 🥯

Ashley: *whispers under breath* You never finagle my bagel....
by The AB Finagler May 3, 2019
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The act of defecating into two plastic cups, taping them together, and mailing it to someone as a joke, the bagel boy is traditionally crafted with two red plastic cups that can found at local retailers such as Walmart, price chopper, ect. It is intentionally inscribed with black sharpie. displaying misleading promises of wealth, or grandeur encouraging the recipient to incise the mysterious artifact only for them to find that they have received the sarcophagus of a fat juicy log that awaits to be awakened from it's eternal slumber. It fills the nostrils of it's victim with a devastating, and fowl stench that will cause grievous, and potentially fatal harm.
Officer 1: The victim doesn't appear to have received any physical trauma, and medical records show that they were in good health.
Officer 2: Indeed, how peculiar. However, it does appear that the victim received a mysterious package prior to their untimely demise, it appears to contain an object constructed with two plastic cups, and some tape.
Officer 1: Wait, did you say two plastic cups, and some tape? My God, the bagel boy... it's real!
Officer 3: Hey guys, the lab test came back. It appears the victim consumed a beverage containing antifreeze.
Officer 1: BAGEL BOY!!!
by DavidDavisfromOzanamschool September 23, 2023
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When a man spreads a vagina lips fills it with a bagel spread of there choosing, then closing it back up. This then followed by the drinking of the spread flavored piss.
Hey man last night i got one hell of a Canadian bagel.
really, what flavor?
Cream cheese my favorite.
by havensplayer June 7, 2018
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It's a synonmyn of sucks balls
Dude 1:"The concert is sold out."
Dude 2: "That sucks bagels
by Texasfreak May 18, 2009
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