Try to fly by the seat of your pants but end up doing basically nothing because you're unable to decide what to do on the fly.
Do you ever fall by the seat of your pants? Like sometimes I try to fly by the seat of my pants, but I just can't decide what to do so I end up just using reddit all day.
by Definitively Cool October 11, 2023
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When you sit in a chair doing nothing for a long duration of time.
This class is easy, all you do is warm a seat and you get an A.
by hipsterhip November 19, 2019
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Going backdoor on someone with an unusually large ass.
Martin went meat seat street on Hattie Mae Pierce.
by Handjobs#2 February 28, 2020
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A shit so big you have to grab the sides of the toilet to push it out.
Mike: Dude, are you okay?
Ed: Yeah, that bastard was so big, and wasn’t coming out, I had to hold on for dear life just to give birth to that monstrosity.

Mike: Oh, you experienced a seat gripper!!
Ed: I see you speak from experience.
by FergusMcCloud May 5, 2019
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A person so obese as to take up two seats on the bus or subway.
Man, my knee is fucking killing me but that two seat ass whale over there just sat down and took up the last two seats. They should make her buy two metropasses!
by lardophobic June 12, 2011
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When your butt tingles from sitting on a hard surface for too long.
I don't want to go to the football game, I get stadium seat from sitting on the bleachers.
by Amberleighta February 24, 2016
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To be fired from a FIFO position.
When you are fired you get on the next plane out of town, which is empty because it's not fly out day. So luck you, you get the window seat.
Oh did you here about Robbo?

Yeah, I hear they gave him a window seat.
by Nah, Yeah nah June 15, 2023
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