a term of endearment/sarcasm/ insult, depending on the situation, for one's old man (father) or old lady (mother)
boy: yoohoo, dad, my favorite computer illiterate, please give me cash for my weekly candy portion, well if you don't want to give me my allowance.

father: stop calling me a computer illiterate, young man, cuz I am a computer engineer by profession, please improve your vocabulary and then come back and talk to me comme du monde
by Sexydimma September 1, 2012
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a term of endearment/sarcasm/ insult, depending on the situation, for one's old man (father) or old lady (mother)
boy: yoohoo, my favorite computer illiterate, please give me cash for my weekly candy portion, or my my allowance.

father: stop calling me a computer illiterate, young man, because kodem koll I won't stand for it, you insulting me; I am a computer engineer, and two, i prefer the term father or dad. Even the expression old man won't do any longer. Now, young man, please improve your vocabulary, then come back and talk to me comme du monde.
by Sexydimma October 29, 2012
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Jorgamund: Woah Dude, what a fuckass computer

Dilo: Yea lets burn it
by 4372912938 April 26, 2021
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A paradigm in which a spinning-discrete plane of uncountable prime cavitations is able to calculate the distance from one prime cavitation to any other prime cavitations.
Teleparallel computation inspired by Einstein's proposal of teleparallel gravity proposes that electrostatic magnetism arises from panformalism's ability to compute the ideal draw-distance among an uncountable number of prime numbers on a discrete cylindrical plane.
This creates a frictionless surface.
by sandrashine November 10, 2021
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A group of computer science nerds that haven't seen a shower for three weeks and believe that their hair will eventually wash itself.
Oh look over there Karen, I have spotted some unwashed computer specialist's skulking in the dark damp corner of the library.
by YES69201234 November 1, 2023
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A computer cut is when the edges of a computer or other electronic device(s) thin edges harm a living being. Similar to a paper cut
What happened to your leg? I fell and got another computer cut.
by Seattlespy June 1, 2022
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Bending her over and placing your laptop on her back so you can get laid while you continue gaming or watching videos.
"No need to find another tank, I'll just give her the ol' computer desk."
by Geekbiatch420 June 16, 2017
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