or Wiggly Gang
A term, growing in popularity among youth in Alberta, Canada, referring to a large group of people that don't act or dress like gangsters (more along the lines of emo, skater, misfit, etc.) but hang out in massive groups all day, every day, usually with no destination, plan, for no reason whatsoever. The members usually have a huge age range, as in 12 to 30, Each individual usually has a street name with no meaning (E.g. Bubbles, Kitty, Psyduck, Frodo...you get the point). If any one of them leaves to do anything, most of the group will likely follow. Most members annoying, some may even despise eachother, but they still hang out.....because it's what they do.

(Commonly spotted walking through malls, hanging out on the street, or wherever the group takes them.)
Dude 1: Yo, check out the crowd, there must be like 40 of em.

Dude 2: Yea man, they're my wiggly gangstas.......dude I see I see Potato, be right back!!

-Dude 2 comes back-

Dude 2: We should totally hang out with these guys for the night.

Dude 1: And do what....

Dude 2: I dunno, whatever comes up.

-Enormous crowd of random looking people begin to slowly get closer-

Dude 1:............fuck this.

by AppIeJuice December 17, 2009
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Some Beautiful young lass that runs the streets up in Kew ripping off junkies selling her hardcore black tar heroin
In a shorter term (Graffa)
The Gangsta has gone to rip off wettez the junkie
by N1GB1GGA October 19, 2023
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Little boys who play five nights at freddies and watch minecraft tutorials on youtube. Dabs and whips with no regret. Worships the gods of jake paul and snoop dogg, bad memes.
Me: What... what is that.
Johnny: iTs JUst a PrAnK brO *dabs*

Me: *sigh* gangsta pranksta
by blueberrychapstickruinedmylife October 30, 2017
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Being "gangsta" is a unique social phenomenon. Like other social groups, gangstas relate most to other people who identify as being like them and will prioritize those gangsta relationships over those with more common folk, who they do not consider to be part of their gangsta in-group. However, while most other social groups will adhere to general societal rules, gangstas tend to bend the rules a little more. For example, while it is socially accepted that if you snitch on a co-worker, you shouldn’t expect them to retaliate in any significant manner, other than maybe spitting in your coffee on a Monday morning. But if you do this to a gangsta, they might kill you, hence the phrase, “Snitches get stitches”. The upside to forming gangsta relationships is that you always have friends to rely on, no matter what, even if you must resort to these more extreme social tactics in the workplace. If you have gangsta friends at work, you can poison the entire pot of coffee before someone has a chance to spit in it, tell the people you are tight with not to drink it, and not worry about any legal repercussions because no one will expose what you’ve done. This provides one with a much different, but still equally powerful level of control over others in the group; they are not officially the leader, yet they can sway decisions just as, or even more, efficiently than someone who is considered by most to be the “boss”.
It ain't easy being gangsta.
by hellohollis September 25, 2022
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Joey is a bad liar, but he still continually tries his best to handstand Christine.

Crystal’s brother and friends are sic gangstas too, they drive around and blare flamin music to make people feel terrible.

He’s so gangsta, he asked if it was her drink, she said ya, so he put his cigarette in it. Lol whaaaaaa what a sic dick move.
by Trustingpeopleisntabadthing February 25, 2022
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Somebody who been thru the streets and overcame the toughest battles they’ll ever face. From losses, setbacks, tragedies, and death. They matured and want me those around them to do better by setting the right path and instilling values into their followers. Somebody who looks out for everybody and places loved ones in better positions.
Das one of dem real gangstas from back in the day
by niggaboy2015 February 7, 2023
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Young urban thugs with low prospects in life because of low education, self-esteem, self-respect, contempt for society, lack of parental discipline and the influences of American racism and disenfranchisement and who then engages in law bending activities, criminal and risky behavior.

Like their Sicilian-laborer immigrant counterparts from the earlier half of the 20th century, they share similar backgrounds. Both early 20th-century Sicilian thugs and contemporary urban American thugs come from poverty, low or no education, contempt for successful others and disenfranchisement from more influential families, belief in superstitions, and a belief to escape their position in society is to take it forcefully from the success of others. They often feel the success of others can be attributed to negating them the same opportunities to be successful and not from their own actions. They accomplish their drain on society through intimidation, cohesion, and murder. They display their new found financial social status through flamboyant displays of wealth obtained through illegal activities until a bigger thug comes in and forcefully replaces the previous one violently.

But unlike their Italian counterparts, they lack the rigid organizational structure and influence that has been used successfully with business and government. They have little to no leverage against the larger state and federal government.
I'd love to be a gangsta, but I dun't no nuthin bout politics, all i nos is how to scare chumps wit my gun."
by Keeping it real bruh January 19, 2017
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