It's another insult you say to something or someone but on a lower scale like saying some thing is stupid.
"Bro that looks so Mid to use"
"Bro that show is so Mid."
Lol JoJo Mid Adventures
by Typrsisgoodnow February 7, 2022
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Slang term for average, mid tier or “low quality” in referring to a person, place, food, and anything that can be described as “meh just ordinary and plain”.
Allie:Rate my booty on a scale of 1-10 just be honest with me.

Tyler: It’s mid. Not too good not too bad, simply mid
by ThiccThighGuyTy October 6, 2022
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a term that means not bad or good. In the middle. However now it is being used as a derogatory term toward someone or something that is bad
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something unremarkable, often prompting or accompanied by verbal expressions of apathy.
I'm not really into Breaking Bad, it's Mid as fuck.
by hard_astr October 1, 2022
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Yo bro you got to hear this new shit?

" Oh word? By who"
" Tyler the creator"
* Whole room gasps " You listen to that mid shit."
by Jaysosexy March 21, 2022
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to be bad or terrible
yo bro do you watch dreamnah bro he's so mid”
by beverlymarsh February 16, 2022
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