When somebody is being flakey. Like when you make plans and they never show up, and give a mediocre excuse.
My girl has been hella frosty lately. We were supposed to see each other last night but she said she had to take her cat to the vet. I know for sure she has no cat.
by mwein99 July 3, 2019
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Someone who is drop dead gorgeous and cold at the same time. They are so steamy it gives you chills.

Used for male or female. They are ultimate rare, because of how attractive they are. They don't want anything to do with other people; no one knows exactly why. Everyone wants to be with them, even though they probably never will.

The highest level of attractiveness, at the same time as being cold. Think of total constant smoldering, without trying. If you try to be frosty, you are no longer frosty. Related to being a badass.

Someone who is frosty would be the person sitting in a plastic chair, in the middle of a field, by themself, reading a book, and still look super hot. (The chair would be melting and (freezing) at the same time).
Guy 1: "Did you see that girl over there? She's the hottest thing I've seen in my life."
Guy 2: "Dude, she's so frosty. You have no chance with her."
Guy 3: "More like one in seven billion."
Guy 1: "Imma go ask her out anyway."
Guy 2: "No, man it's like negative zero."
Guy 1: "Sheesh fine."

Super nice hot girl: "Hey Erik! I'm Rachel. I've seen you around and thought maybe you would like to hang out sometime?"
Erik: "Bye." *walks away*
Rachel's friend: "Wow..you got shut down.
Rachel: "Yeah, he's so frosty. I want him sooo bad.
by TheDragon'sMountain April 17, 2018
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To cum on a girls face and push her into a meat locker after
I met that lizzie bitch in the back of mcdonalds and gave her a frosty
by Biggler69 July 12, 2021
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Frosty's a bitch, frosty's a bitch, frosty's a giant fucking bitch his server sucks dick his server sucks dick his server sucks a giant dick, yah
by TreeLizard51 April 24, 2020
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