Samantha Anne is perfect in every single way and she deserves the world, and you’re a loser if you’re not her x
“Bro Samantha Anne is skux as fuck oi holy heck
by Samamamamamamamamamam November 23, 2021
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This stupid whore you met on the street who walked all the way from the desert in the middle east to the other side in the world, She is covered in so much dust that not even the almighty Rusty Dusty has matching power to her.
Him: jesus fucking christ what kinda creature is that over there maite?

Me: that's some fat whore called Dusty Funky Samantha mane
by Undead Shiteson May 15, 2022
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A person that had such a juicy booty that you can hear it clap from miles away. The only one to tame it is Hagrid from Harry Potter giving her the nickname Hagrid.
Did you hear that noise? Yeah it’s just Samantha haggard aka Hagrid’s butt.
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Samantha Powell is one of the greatest human beings on earth. She is a superstar that grabs boys attention. If you manage to find one you better hold on tight as she will be gone if you don't put her on a leash. She will support you through thick and thin and will forever be your friend. Samantha Powell's are really good at tennis and will definitely make it on the world's top 5. They are also GORGEOUS! And can easily rock the runway just like a supermodel. But they have a reputation for being pretty badass, so watch out.
GUY: "Mannnnn, did you see Samantha Powell, the new chick, walk down the hallway today?"
MATE: "Yehhh, she's hot af!"
GUY: "Ikr, I call dibs on her, she's all mine."
MATE: "Yeh right, let's see who can get her first and ask her to the dance."
GUY: "Bring it on!"
by dhvbe1ovuyleiqrkuhjdniepurljvd November 1, 2017
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the hottest mf in the world i just want to make out with her all day and night. my sexiest homie
person: what are u
me: a homiesexual for samantha jenish
by milfsalldsy5678 May 20, 2023
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Samantha karl - A woman who can not operate equipment without breaking it.
"Man that woman is a real samantha karl"
"Yea shes the truck terminator "
by Monty-0 February 9, 2019
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