An elected Republican who honors their oath to defend the Constitution by to be willing to investigate a domestic terrorist attack on the Constitutional process of counting the electoral ballots.
Rep. Liz Cheney and Rep. Adam Kinzinger agreed to serve on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol, and were labeled "Pelosi republicans" by Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
by ILres July 29, 2021
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An attempted, and failed, insult, used by Kevin McCarthy, Congressional Minority Leader, directed at Representatives Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney for having the courage to follow their consciences and not the Republican party line, in standing up to investigate the January 6, 2021 assault on Congress by Trump partisans seeking to overthrow the democratic election.
Outside the White House on Monday, the eve of the first hearing to investigate the Capitol riot, Representative Kevin McCarthy had an insult and a threat for the two members of his party daring to participate in the inquiry into how and why a pro-Trump mob attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6.

He derided Representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming, a staunch conservative and member of a storied Republican family, and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, a six-term congressman and Air Force veteran, as “Pelosi Republicans,” referring to Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker who chose them to sit on the special panel investigating the assault. As the minority leader, he suggested he might try to strip them of other committee assignments as punishment.
by Monkey's Dad July 27, 2021
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People who kill Indians and then suck them off and then spit on their mother’s grave
by January 23, 2022
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A Conservative from a Liberal or politically evolving state that moves to a supposedly more politically aligned state and drones on and on about what hardships and tyranny they faced in their old suburb. Once they settle into their new home, they typically act like they are lifelong locals voicing very controversial opinions, loudly, and changing the local narratives. (Example: Complaining that the local news paper has turned into a liberal publication and that they won't read it, but that they used to way back when they first came to the state, 1 year ago.)

The Refugees who had it especially difficult just trying to survive under their old regime, end up buying a political office using their excess money they made back in their former homeland. Once they get into office, anytime they are faced with a differing opinion, they respond that they are representing (Montana's) values, implying the actual person from the state isn't compatible with their home.
That Republican Refugee is always complaining about how the local newspaper has turned into liberal propaganda machine, and how the paper used to be better way back when they first moved to the state, 8 months ago.

I'm tired of all these Republican Refugees with their "*** Biden" and Montana is home bumper stickers with California/Texas license plate.

That new guy at work loves it here. He just can't accept that I can go outside without shooting an animal. It sounds like he suffered some real hardships back in California. That Republican Refugee is so lucky he got out from the oppressive regime before they taxed him so he could buy another political flag or bumper sticker with offensive language.
by JPin January 15, 2022
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1. a fiscal conservative
2. a centrist
3. an oxymoron
I was so confused on why he called himself a liberal republican until I found out he was actually just a centrist.
by Politically Dead May 31, 2022
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That behavior of a person who uses the very slightest instance of pushback on their own delusional importance to mount a nuclear assault on reason based on lies and rumors of lies.
An example might be along the lines, "I asked Karen if she would please quit taking my yogurt from the break room fridge without first asking me and she was "going all Republican" on my ass!"
by Senior Chief Skeptic May 6, 2021
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a cult of ignorant, crazy people who don't know what is real and what is fake.
a person advocating or supporting republican government.
by Ilaughateverything June 13, 2023
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