To Butt Yodel or the action of Butt Yodeling is the act of spreading someone's butt cheeks and yodeling into the anus. This causes pleasurable vibrations to spread through the area, as well as producing pleasant tunes to listen to.
Steve - Hey man, were you playing the tuba last night?

Jake - No I was just trying to butt yodel my girlfriend last night. She loved it!
by TheButtYodeler December 9, 2013
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A woman's pussy... you know... her muff... her nookie...
How I long to sing in a babe's yodel patch...
Yum... :-9

Just thinking about it gives me a hard-on... ^_^
by CDSmith1967 April 29, 2006
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A girl who feels the need to speak while giving a blow job, usually saying something like ' I am not that kind of gir-argh'.
This chick was a complete bone yodeller, she would not shut up the entire time she was sucking my cock!
by Anyone N. General December 18, 2007
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When you are bored and are typing random things in to the urban dictionary
I am really bored, u know I'll type yodeling banana in to the urban dictionary
by Jesster_the_giraffe July 26, 2017
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The deep, strangled sound one often hears when another person is working on passing a particularly, um, challenging piece of feces from their anus.

Usually quite loud and penetrating- heard through doors and over stalls. May inspire inquires of "do you need an ambulance?" "Holy shit! What did you eat??!"
Austin Powers - "WHO DOES NUMBER 2 WORK FOR??" is a great example.

In a sentence, "That dude started turd yodeling so loud in the stall I jumped and pissed on the wall!! His ass needs to eat some oatmeal!!"
by Hotdiggity January 7, 2014
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Placing your head between a woman's breasts and vigorously shaking your head back and forth while yodeling. Similar to motor boating except you yodel which adds a European flair to the activity.
Yo, I totally Yodelboated your sister yesterday in the Swiss Alps, then I took her to Paris and gave her The Eiffel Tower.

Yodel Boating dat' Swiss Miss.
by Sackajuhwayyyyahhhhh October 17, 2014
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