Usually said when you want to keep talking but realise mid-sentence you have nothing else to say.
So then we went back home and, yeah.
by spongeboblover101 May 26, 2018
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A word used as a filler in many conversations in real life and in online chatting.

Used to fill space during awkward silences (see example 1), boring conversations, or when you don't have anything to say because you didn't pay attention (see example 2).

Often used in conjunction with um, uh totally and definitely. (see examples)

Also used when a bad joke falls flat. (see example 3)
Example 1:

Joe: I like men.

John: um yeah...

(awkward silence)

Example 2:

Jenny: blah blah...and then we totally ditched him and went out to the mall. He deserved it right?

Adam: (snaps back into attention) uh yeah. totally.

Example 3:


Tom: ...yeah...
by La Dolce Malattia (epik high) January 12, 2011
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Yeah: 1) Alternative of 42; the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
2) The word you say when you're mind goes blank.

3) The word you say when you're not paying attention to what someone else is saying.

4) Yes.

5) Can take place of virtually any noun or verb.
1) "Deep Thought, what IS the answer to life, the universe, and everything?" "Yeah."
2) announcer: ...and here he is, the director of the Titantic- JAMES CAMERON!
James: :D yeaahh...
3) Stupid Ass Prep Girl Who's Hitting On Emo Guy: OMG! Today I went to the mall, and I bought some new shirts at American Eagle! Then we went to Clairs and I got new pink earrings!!!!! YAY!!
Emo Guy Who Wants Preps To Burn In Hell: yeah.

4) Sexy Person1: Wanna fuck?
Sexy Person2: YEAH!!!
5) Today I plan to yeah with my yeah. Then after yeahing I'm gunna go yeah to Sophie. Yeah, it's totally gunna be a yeah day!
by Iluvscreamy May 18, 2010
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An annoying and obnoxious phrase uttered by the simple minded, who don't think before they speak. It's a manner of habit for most who use it.
Lance: "Is that included in the price you quoted?"
Rep: "Yeah no, you need to upgrade for that"
by KImCobain April 22, 2015
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A magic force that compels 9 year olds to changing their profile picture into a weird looking man wearing shades.
Oh yeah yeah
by eners49 January 25, 2019
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What one says at the end of an embarrassing, awkward, or boring conversation.
Bill: ...And that's basically how I got into midget porn. Yeah...

Bob: So then I said that I should have it my way because it is Burger King, and I thought I was gonna kicked but I didn't so I ate my fries then left. Yeah...
by Dr. T. Awesome June 29, 2010
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