Sexy ass boy with a beautiful personality also very talented and attractive for girls he also gets mad very often
Girl 1 oh ma god this guy woody is soo cute
Girl 2 I wish I had woody he is soo fine
by Docter hillpherger December 4, 2018
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To going missing for large periods of time without any prior notice.
by Lord Football March 10, 2005
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A short round Farm-Boy that eats large quanities of raw meat.
Hey maw gimme the shotgun, there's a woody in the goat shed again.
by Franksterrr May 15, 2005
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Woody is a kid with fashion sense and is a lovley guy who gets all the ladies even if there 5 or 60
Woody is so fit I wanna be him
by Marcusfeedskids January 18, 2021
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-I went to the market to buy some woodys so i could get er done.
by Bubba II September 10, 2005
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An extremely inquisitive person that can have a conversation with your voicemail and has a birthmark between her boobs.
Friend 1: Yo that girl was mad annoying she asked a million questions and did not stop talking.

Friend 2: Damn, what a woodie.
by Jchickens September 24, 2010
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someone who stinks realy bad, is fat and bald, rubs a throbing vain on his forhead called "Gorby" alot, and only showers about once every 2-3 weeks. And usualy loves to hit on FAT CHICKS!!
I don't know but Woody might have gerbles in his head !!!
by gusto80 August 18, 2009
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