a Shark that has a rainbow color for its body color, and a unicorn horn that shoots out rainbows on its head, and has wings so it can fly around.
"you know that KA_TheLegend flies the legendary Uni-Shark"
by KA_TheLegend February 25, 2017
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Someone that is born with only one butt cheek. This leads to an inability to sit upright or ride a bicycle. A painful affliction found mainly in the developing nations of the world. The Uni-Glute Foundation strives to help the afflicted through their Project Full Moon campaigns seen on late night TV with such taglines as "We can fix your can" and "Splitting ends for a Brighter Future". Also known as Tippers or UniGlutes.
That poor Uni-Glute got too drunk and fell off his stool.
by UGF January 28, 2009
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1. combination meal served at Oriental Kitchen which includes Noodles, few pieces of fried chicken, and rice in your choice hot or teriyaki sauce. Always served hot and fresh by a middle-aged Korean man who looks like he wants to chop you head off with a cleaver.
uh...can i have one uni special?

by Peter Kim March 9, 2003
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a group of people who cant get enough of the uni 'fresher' lifestyle throughout every year of their course. A typical uni massive would go to the Student Union and stay till closing love to dress up in costumes, buy shots, and act like a dick head.

Non Uni Massive: look at them bunch of 'uni massive' nobs over there
by ihateunimassive January 20, 2011
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A unicycle which is used for hopping, jumping, or riding over various obstacles. Usually has a smaller wheel then a normal unicycle, and stronger components to take extra punishement. In use, the rider hops the trials unicycle over rocks, barriers, curbs, ramps, or wooden pallets. Might also be referred to as a Tuni, but the name has never become popular.
I took my trials uni downtown and had some fun.
by Vortex April 28, 2003
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The act of a female not trimming her vaginal area thus growing a trail of hair from her rear end to her vagina. Much as a Uni-Brow is to unkept eyebrows.
Man I was with this chic for the first time last night and wanted to show off my swirl skills but when i got down there she had the full Uni-Beaver going on.
by Master-Linguist March 13, 2009
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