A male who regularly engages in male-male sex in public toilets
Have you seen the old trough lolly who hangs out in Museum Station toilets?
by ^mikey^ June 2, 2003
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1---"its like a water trough for horse but it has wheat in it" ---- definition by a mental patient i worked with when i asked him what a wheat trough was.

2---alternative to calling someone a douche bag.

3---Evan Reynolds or Evan Arsen (his aka)
"dude you are being such a wheat trough."

"what the fuck did you just do, did you pour that bag of wheat in the horse's water trough? hell yes i did, now its a wheat trough"

"God Evan sometimes you can really be a wheat trough."
by Harddrive September 23, 2008
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Something so good that it will draw people in.
"That offer is amazing, it's going to be like pigs and troughs"

"We need something that will draw them in, like pigs and troughs"
by Joshpitt February 27, 2014
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1) adj. To be extremely uncool; loserish; poor.

2) noun. The lowest part of a wave.

Antonym: Wavey
Brian is lookin real troughy today.
by briguy90210 March 3, 2011
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A crouser trough, or trouser cough is when an individual Farts. But crouser trough is a different way to say it
-Oh dude nice crouser trough.

-Did you hear that massive crouser trough that just came out of jack?
by Pie_is_awesome108 December 23, 2020
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The sensation of waves of feeling okay then completely terrible repeatedly during a really bad hangover.
Person 1: You know what, I don't feel all that bad after last night surprisingly.
Person 2: Give it time, you might feel like die later if you're peaking and troughing.
Person 1: Bummer... To the pub?
by Gabe Karellen March 11, 2011
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