its that one typa person who always asks the “what if?” questions. they look at the world in a more deeper way. they are more perceptive. they think about things on a deeper level.
i hate watching a movie with Emily
because she’s such a theoretical thinker and can’t watch a movie with peace.
by thatonethot._v1 December 23, 2019
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Someone who only thinks women are there for sexual pleasure.
Dylan is a Poon thinker , Of Poonism Ways
by Pooner69 June 12, 2021
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it means that u are over thinking so hard that u start to think about the fact that you are overthinking because u thought

soo hard
person 1: bro what are u doing
person 2: iam becoming the overthinking thinker
person 1: what does that legit mean
person 2: iam the thinker of gotham
by Shisu1 July 4, 2023
The phenomenon when an overthinker gets caught in a creative and philosophical loop and believes they've discovered a higher truth. They feel duty bound broadcast en masse because the power of the truth is a game changer. A thinkerater believes the higher truth was already "out there". They're merely reiterating it in a simpler way, AND people will be thankful for their help.
I was hanging out last night and started to thinkerate... Before I knew it I'd been up all night making the world a better place. You're welcome.
by Fifth and Phive June 12, 2019
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Free thinking is when you say your thoughts out loud with no filter, whatever comes in your head comes out of your mouth. Having no regards for societal judgement and consequences but still considering the right morals. Being a Free Thinker doesn't mean you are ignorant to society, just not phased by it. Resist conformity towards societal norms of keeping thoughts to yourself by being free
Sean is such a free thinker he just says things that come to his head
by swervest October 23, 2022
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The random hairs on your face that are somehow way longer and different than all the others
Person 1: yo man you’ve got a couple free thinkers
Person 2: oh shit man really thanks for the help
by i rented a goat September 17, 2022
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A person who makes facial expressions based on what they are thinking about. Usually unaware they do so, or simply don't care.
Johnny: *sneers at nothing in particular.*
Dave: What the hell is up with Johnny's face?
Marc: Oh, he's just a face thinker, don't worry about it.
by Hypok November 7, 2016
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