v. to perfom coitus with another human being; usually referred to a Frenchman stanking someone
Dude, Diane Lane got stanked by that French dude in 'Unfaithful'.
by Edmund Unceworthy June 2, 2006
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1. Someone who's a real douchbag with a bad attitude.
1. That cunt is real stank!
2. Stank-ass hoe!
by Cuntalia Jones August 12, 2007
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(v. To describe nasty, freaky sex)
"We gonna make good love and get stank about it."
by Q&Jae February 24, 2004
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used up ho ....

vag that is used sooo often by many diff dicks that its nasty & stanky smellin'.....
" you walkin' like your pussy stank!"
"oh damn! it do!"
by skitzz August 22, 2012
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when you roll a joint and add some coke (cocaine) to it
did you smoke straight weed last night? naaaa we were smokin stanks!
by eli January 28, 2005
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A smell that can be good or bad, depending on the situation.
Man whats wit da stank in here?

Man dat pussy was stank!
by Kool aid dokta May 22, 2008
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When an object smells so bad, that the user cannot help but say stank, since stink simply does not cover it.

Can be used to modify a skank for fun rhyming insults
Damn that guy/girl Justine always has that green odor surrounding her. Either she needs some deoderant, or I will have to get away from that stank

I hate all stanky skanks
by Fartstiscles December 2, 2008
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