A heater is a dog in heat and wanting to get the freaky on with another dog.
That dog is heater. Look at it panting for some lovin.
by blackjackg37 March 3, 2008
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To post something incredibly old that literally EVERYBODY who has had a moment's worth of internet access in the past 10 has seen a dozen times.
Dude, you totally pulled a Heater when you sent that link to the drivers lisence database joke.
by Industry Leech October 2, 2006
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some shit place where you if you go there you will be immediately bored to fuck
do you want to go to the heaters?.....i'm bored =0
by bushbytheman February 24, 2009
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The burning ember at the tip of a cigarette or in a pipe bowl... Be it tobacco or otherwise...
AH $@*# I just burned myself on the heater of this spliff!
by Sticky... June 9, 2005
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by spanky July 10, 2003
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a song that u like
tha 50 album iz all heaters.
i got a heater 4 u right here, take the headphones.
u heard that 1 State P heater on KMEL?
by YoungCali August 27, 2003
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adj: someone who participates in flagrent homosexual acts
by r.dizzle April 6, 2005
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