When you wear expensive ass cloths that make you sweat and that every coochie in a 30 foot distance start to “drip
Tod:Look at the fuck boy over there with the drip.

Other guy: what a dumbass
by BigBoy PiKPiK May 29, 2020
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Guy:yo have you seen the amogus drip meme?
Other guy: god please help me
Guy: when the imposter is sus! 😳
Other guy: amogussss!!!!!
Guy: Drip 😎
Yet another guy: Mogus lost it's drip 2 months ago
Guy: don't criticize the flex
Yet another guy: 'mogus didn't have new Airship map 😭
by Maxicat0 March 5, 2021
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Gonorrhea. It’s when green or yellow discharge comes out of the penis or vagina. This is a sexually transmitted disease that is spread by unprotected sex.
by Minecraft1238 January 9, 2019
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after you drink so much that you need to be hooked up to an I.V.
Jake: "Hey man, are you trying to get on the drip tonight?"

Zack: "Well ya this is like my 14th beer of the night"
by Myke Rotchburns September 19, 2013
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A noun, verb, acronym and everything in between. It is a word that is used when something good, great or beautiful happens. While it is currently used in a setting with friends while drinking, it will most likely assimilate to the business world where need be. It is a very diverse word with multiple applications. As long as it starts with the first 4 letters D-R-I-P it will be understood as something good, great or beautiful.
That shirt is all sorts of drip.
Excuse me, Drippy Longstockings can I get 5 and 9?
Oh, Drip.
Drrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiippppp (screaming)
Do you wanna go out and make it drip tonight?
He left a bottle of drip in the freezer, I can't wait to make it drip with that.
That hostile takeover last month was a drip.
Drip hard and drip often.
by Dripaholics Anonymous August 28, 2011
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To Drip- the act of ejaculating into someone's cupped hands.
Jenny cupped her hands under Jon's dick and caught the drip.
by Humpty Dumpty12345 September 26, 2009
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