My DD is doing well in school.
by t56yp February 12, 2012
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Verb. Don't Die, said before an action made by an internet addict.
by VbPeppermint October 28, 2007
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Death Dot. It's Runescape term used by PK'ers(player killers) in which players stand on top of each other which gives the appearance on the mini map that there is only one person there.

Ever since the game designers fucked up pvp, the DD is useless.
Yo everyone DD, we are gonna gank this newb rofl
by Angillas June 29, 2009
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1. n. Designated Driver. One who abstains from "partying" so everyone can get home safely.
2. Daily Deviation, an honorific tittle givn to an art piece of a certain category on, including it being featured under "daily deviations" category for the day being.
1. "We're going out tonight, and I'm the DD, as per usual. "

2. "WOW! I'm so happy ^_^ :iconxyz: gave me a DD! :O :D :dance: :sing: "
by Corsico September 1, 2008
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The guy who bites the bullet and drives to the party. The drunk driver has the critical role of getting his buddies home, or to donuts, or to more beer. It's usually customary to by the DD a beer for his efforts.
You can't take my keys, I'm the DD.
by Nasty Nate December 17, 2005
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Drunkard(to friends): Im bout to call up that bitch...
Friends of Drunkard : Hahaha he's about to fuckin DD.

Victim : Hello, thank you for calling, how may i help you?
Drunkard: You're a bitch and i never fuckin loved you!!!
Victim : Uhhh Sir? Can i help you?

...(and so on until the drunkard makes an ass of himself more so than he already is.)
by Malcolm Malaowala April 1, 2006
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