Unable to ejaculate man gloop inside the womb of a desirable female due to being intoxicated.
Geoffery: 'What what dear chap, did you manage to unload a jar of man mayonnaise into that philly with the big bangers from the polo club last night?'

Rupert: 'Unfortunately I had one too many Scotch's and after one hour of bumping and grinding I experienced tail fail'.

Geoffery: 'Queer'.
by Jagdog May 15, 2011
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I long, beautiful, line of cocaine.
Me and Jimmy sat up all night, blowin gator tails every thirty minutes, it was nice.
by JackRS December 21, 2007
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the whale tail is the shape formed when a g-string rides up high over a womans trousers
oh my god look at that butt, her whale tail is showing so high!
by garv November 10, 2003
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Spending time exploring what can be accomplished on a motel bed after dropping coins into the "Magic Fingers" device. In honor of John Houghtaling, inventor of the Magic Fingers, who passed away in 2009.
With another couple days' driving ahead of them, Mia and JJ thought they should hit the laundromat, but nobody else was going to be smelling them in that junker they'd borrowed, so all their quarters went toward some surprisingly intimate huff-tailing on the saggy motel mattress.
by rotifera June 26, 2009
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The stinging, burning sensation you get in the very corner of your raw asshole after a spicy, fiery diarrhea session.
"Owwwww, bro. Juarez's bean and cheese burrito gave me fucking acid tail."
by Markilla February 5, 2008
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A relatively new anime that has become popular due to its great humor and action sequences.
Fairy Tail will probably one day become as popular as FMA, Naruto, Bleach, and even One Piece. fairy tail has also recieved good reviews from critics.
by Anime Viewer July 11, 2011
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The little string of poo that is half in your butt and half out after going #2. Usually caused by premature clinching of the ass muscles before everything is completely evacuated. It resembles as small brown tail, especially when you "wag" it trying to get it to fall off. Leads to skid marks, dingleberries, and excessive wiping.
Hal: "Dude, I took a massive dump about 2 feet long, but was left with a brown tail."
Rump: "What did you do?"
Hal: "I jiggled around for about 5 minutes with no luck and eventually went through a whole roll of toilet paper cleaning it up."
by JacknRochNY October 27, 2007
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