Dealing with relationships can be complicated, and there are often hidden stories behind couples' surface-level interactions. Every relationship is unique, and each partner brings their past experiences, values, and communication styles to the table.
Dealing with relationships can be complicated, and there are often hidden stories behind couples' surface-level interactions. Every relationship is unique, and each partner brings their past experiences, values, and communication styles to the table.
by posaidon April 13, 2023
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Someone with a darker side you cannot detect, because they're always trying to get everyone to show their brighter, positive side.
She denies having any darker, negative feelings because with her surface wholesome image, she wants the world to think she is lighting up the world around her, even if everyone continues to turn on each other, and things continue to get worse every time they change, even if all her friends and family and everyone around her but her is dysfunctional and fucked up. The results of her behavior are all negative, but everyone is expected/forced to call it something positive like hope for her. There are some of us that just want to openly darken the world around us a little more without the pretense of doing anything good for anybody else, or helping/saving anybody else.
by Solid Mantis May 22, 2021
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An area that recently had a squappy thrown at it.
I almost fell on that wet surface, damn that squappy!
by CentralAveBabies October 28, 2021
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An expression referring to a type of person who maintains an image or an implied level of professional skill, while not having a clue as to what the fuck they're supposed to be doing. Often has a truly vague job description and earns twice your paycheck or more.
Q: Shouldn't we run this by that guy who handles strategic corporate digital alliances or something?
A: Don't even bother. Dude's just a surface pro.
by Hansel San November 30, 2017
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The act of lifting the upper bed on a bunk bed (lifting the top bed like Luisa lifts their house) and trying to take the bed off and carry it. Then, you try and you failed to because you are not strong enough.
Wow, I can see Penny Surface Pressuring!
Penny: *Sweats*
Well, I guess she cannot anymore.
by irieomgfunny/面白い March 6, 2022
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Meetings designed to talk about doing shit, but never doing the shit we’re meeting to talk about.
“We’re just here for “surfacing” ideas on how to build an electric rocketship to Uranus…”
by PigDiddy July 16, 2021
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Teacher asks question
Amy: I don't know like
Teacher: That's such a surface level answer
by badbebee November 1, 2022
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