A comedy website run by Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka which is known for being the last bastion of completely irreverent humor. I mean, come on, face it, anything can be funny if you look at it the right way. Remember - tragedies kill people, laughing at tragedies doesn't.

Don't like people who will joke about anything? You don't ever have to visit something awful. No one's going to make you, I promise.
I was totally on the internet yesterday, man. I was over at those forums they got on that something awful, it was some serious business.
by j00sb0x February 23, 2005
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A phrase used to explain a personal lapse in memory, coordination and/or good judgment by falsely attributing it to the phenomenon of being distracted by bright, pretty things (i.e. diamonds, fancy cars, jewelry, "bling", etc.), especially where the desire is to make light of it; often used in conjunction with a list of actions or other phrases like blah-blah-blah or yada yada yada; a take-off of the concept that blonds are distracted by "something shiny"
Dave: Hey, what's the name of that song you
told me I gotta download?

Pete: Yeah, the song is called, uh...
um... ooo, sorry, something shiny...

Sorry I flaked on going out with you guys, but I started sorting my DVDs, blah-blah-blah, something shiny, and next thing I knew, it was 3am!

It was humiliating! One minute, I'm walking through the mall; blah-blah-blah, something shiny, & next thing I know, I'm doing a face-plant off the bottom of the escalator!!

I was sticking to my diet, making great progress. But the night I was home alone studying, that extra-large, extreme combo pizza was calling to me. I was reading my textbook, taking notes...something shiny...and suddenly, all that was left was a pile of crusts!
by psalm27sjb November 30, 2007
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An amazingly beautiful band. The lyrics touch on the deeper parts of life. Theyre not for the 12 year old girls who faint when they see a band member. They have an amazing sound of piano with high distortion guitar. Andrew McMahono has a great tenor voice to compliment the the great music.
You Live the life you're given, with the storms outside.
Somedays all I do is watch the sky....
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Something great but not quite perfect. The flaws of something amazing tend to be overlooked.
God is Something Amazing
by Tyler "the other" Samse February 10, 2009
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A really good band. They have some amazing stuff, and their song Konstantine can make anyone with a soul shed a tear. Thank you for piano rock, guys. For another piano rocker, see Ben Folds. For a more "emo" band, see Dashboard Confessional.
Everyone needs to listen to the song Konstantine by SoCo. Andrew makes my cry, it's so brilliant
by dcfan May 24, 2004
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