Possibly using a passed out drunk guy. You soak his balls in tuna fish for about 20 minutes, then you proceed to lay him in a hammock on his stomach with a precise cutout for his nutsack. Then you wait for the neighborhood cats to arrive.
First one to pass out gets a tuna pinata......
by kris1071 June 28, 2006
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A person who is subject of a verbal lashing for no reason at all by a individual who is stressed out.
Man! I don't know why the boss is using me as a Stress pinata!!
by BruinKiller3469 April 2, 2009
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a hollow wooden statue of a horse in which the Greeks concealed themselves in order to enter Troy.
Guy 1: Hey did you study th murderous Pinata in school yet?
Guy 2: what the fuck fo you mean the trojan horse
by dumb names for stupid things November 17, 2018
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Salty Pinata- the given name to the act of having a man 'fuck' the mouth/throat of a girl (or guy) while their head dangles off of the bed/couch. The man's genitalia must also be sweating enough to visible notice, and the testicles must be slapping the partner in the face with every thrust. It is the combination of the salt and swinging, slapping testicles that make a salty pinata
Darla threw up a little when Dave gave her a Salty Pinata
by redthealmightypunchdrunk February 16, 2011
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A sugar-pinata is an elderly women (aged 85+) whom is dating a young gentleman (effectively a sugar-baby) and has written the young fellow into her will, leaving all her money to him after her timely demise. From this point on she is a sugar-pinata because if the young man 'does his duties well enough', he shall break her hip, cause a fatal trauma leading to her death and thus gain her life earnings. Metaphorically he broke the sugar-pinata and money came out in a similar fashion to how sweets come out of a pinata commonly used at Mexican children's birthday parties.
University student 1: Dude, how you afford that YOLO-swag flat?
University student 2: I meet a sugar-pinata and I released her from this plain of existence using my dick. Now I am even richer.
University student 1: Brah, yo dick kills.
University student 2: Keep talking like that and I'll make sure your grandmother becomes my next paycheck. I am sick to fucken death of poor people.
by Sa+anluvr123 January 25, 2017
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When you hang yourself with a belt after taking a ton of laxatives and shitting uncontrollably as you choke to death.
I'm thinking of doing a dirty pinata when I'm 107 to get back at that asshole orderly while he's on his smoke break.
by Craptrocity April 7, 2023
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Filling your girlfriend up, then hanging her from the ceiling and beating her with a giant stick.
Person: "Me and my GF had a ball last night, treated her to the Gooey Pinata!"
by Dhover54 April 25, 2022
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