A parody made by cormega from the TV show "The Facts of Life" in his rap after intro on his testament album...as in his facts of life living in queensbridge...This be the real defenition of 62 pick ups...to those who be fake and don't know no better...
"I live the life of 62 pick ups"...-cormega
by RasperOne December 21, 2013
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Getting a double kill in a video game, or if you like, real life.
Friend - Hey, help me out, there is loads of them here
You - * Shoots* Picks up the double
Friend - Your a beast.
by MistahMan2011 July 9, 2011
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A cute dog that you use to pick up girls.
Dude, can I borrow your dog this afternoon? She's such a great pick up dog. Last time I took her out at least 7 girls came up to chat with me about how cute she was.
by TecateFox November 3, 2013
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saying that you have just bought some weed
Yo bro i just picked up

aight sick we need to kick it this week
by Tblumps January 2, 2011
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An unintelligent way man or woman tries to pick up a potential mate with a one hundred percent failure rate. Only works if the person is beyond idiotic or has extreme low self esteem issues, i.e sluts or douche bags.
Examples of Pick-Up Lines:

Example 1:

A creepy man in a bar: *Walks up to intelligent, classy woman* "Are you Latina?"

Classy Lady: " Yes, I'm part Mexican." "Why do you ask?"

Creepy Man: "I have always loved Mexican women."

Classy Lady: *Rolls eyes* "And your point is?" "I have had this line used on me before and let's just say it's quit lame and pathetic." "This is why YOU are single."

Creepy Man: *Mumbles expletives because he got shot down, son!*

Example 2:

Trashy Club Slut: *Staggers up drunkenly to an intelligent "Do you eat lots of Lucky Charms?"

Intellectual Man: *Looks at her oddly* "No......."

Trashy Club Slut: "Because you look magically delicious." *wink,wink as she stumbles some more.*

Intellectual Man: "I think you need to sober up, and no thank you."

Trashy Club Slut: *Mumbles and gets pissed because she got rejected, son!*
by MiVidaCocina July 14, 2014
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