The first hit from a nitrous oxide canister before it gets really cold, because it's warm and kind of stale, like if an otter was breathing into your mouth.
Because you bought the box, I'll take one for the team and I'll take the otters breath.
by D-bomba March 19, 2010
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licking the tip of your finger, then sticking it into an unsuspecting friends nose.
omg travis just gave me a screamin otter the other day and all i could smell all day was his spit
by the poo poo face monsters February 23, 2010
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Man, I just popped the fattest otter, I think I ripped my cornhole.

I think John's in the bathroom Popping an Otter.
by Poop_Master September 17, 2006
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An annoying or judgmental, hippie, tree hugger, vegetarian, or vegan. Anyone that gives you a dirty look because you eat meat, wear leather, don’t use hemp products and especially if you didn’t volunteer or contribute to cleaning up animal victims of oil spills (i.e. otters). More work appropriate than saying ‘dirty hippie’.
Note: Actual Otter Scrubbing is totally commendable.
“I hate eating my egg salad sandwich in front of David because he gives me an evil vegan stare down, what an otter scrubber!”
by arc19764663 August 18, 2011
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A person you know that happens to be a complete fandomaniac, and knows such trivial things about said fandoms, such as that Hermione's patronus is an otter.
Person 1: 'I heard that you liked the Harry Potter series?'
Person 2: 'Well obviously! Did you know that Godric Gryffindor's animagus is a giant squid?'
Person 1: 'Don't be such a Geeky Otter...'
by GeekyTrashman February 1, 2017
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A really nasty,butt ugly disgusting girl. Tranlates from afrikaans as cave otter.
Mike:YOh dave check out that girl!
Dave:What!You checking out grot otters is making me sick!
by JahFire March 18, 2010
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When you take a huge shit after shaving your pubes into the toilet bowl.
I did a Fuzzy Otter last night and now the toilets completely fucked
by jigglerthewiggler January 13, 2023
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