A potential winning slogan that 45 should consider using for his presidential re-bid since it could get his popularity boosted.
I seriously think that the only way he will be re-elected is (a) if he uses the slogan, “Cheeto in Charge!” and it seems like a joke, which of course he absolutely is, and (b) if all of it occurs in a tragic parallel universe!
by Dr Bunnygirl June 17, 2020
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A charge by Japanese soldiers with a bayonet or knife to kill the enemy in battle but also to die in honor if not effective, and to avoid being captured or surrendering. Used a lot WW2. Banzai means Long live the King/Emperor.
I was playing campaign on Call of Duty World at War and I was killed when a soldier used a Banzai Charge. BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Favnila February 2, 2009
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When someone'a loins are awakened by the sight of an attractive person in the vicinity.
She's got me pocket charging so hard right now.

I hope she doesn't notice I'm pocket charging.
by FuriousQueso October 26, 2014
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When your cell phone is dying but you don't have the time to sit and wait for it to fully charge so you leave it in there for a little while so that when you take it out of the charger your phone thinks it has a full battery power.

This often leads to your phone losing battery life and eventually dying on you shortly later after a few texts or calls.
Jane: Why didn't you pick up your phone!
John: It's dead.
Jane: But I saw you take it from the charger before you left.
John: I Flash-Charged it for 20 minutes, and after 5 texts it was done.
by Secret Justin January 31, 2010
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A sex position that involves you flying head first into your girl's vagina while shouting out gibberish. Reference to Raiden's special move in mortal kombat.
I tried the raiden charge on my girlfriend, but my head is sore now.
by Tunnel Snake May 4, 2016
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Where the prey (female) is sat legs apart at waist height at location A. The predator (male) at loacation B ( a point at least 5m away ) runs and attempts to "gore" the prey with his "horn". running is a must and hands may not be used to guide the "horn" or else the proper effect is lost.

Lube (remember water-based only kids) is highly recommended for this to work correctly.

The position can also be done in reverse where the male sits and the female runs. This is called Rharging Chino.
"dude scott nearly broke his cock attempting charging rhino last night!"
"oh yeah. what saved him?"
"oh he only had a semi as usual"
by zeeman89 July 19, 2009
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To be completely charged and ready for action.
(1) I haven't had sex in three weeks, im "fully charged".
(2) I had six cups of coffee this morning, im "fully Charged".
by tyrizone June 26, 2009
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