a concsided girl that loves to go and pose her way into popularity`by exposing herself onto the petifile hungry website "myspace".
that faggot is a myspace whore.
by ivette July 19, 2006
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A Person On MySpace That Has Over 1K (or 1,000) Friends & Talks To Every Single One, KNows How To Make Layouts From Scratch, Knows More Than Tom Probally, And Is Under 50.
SusiskiGuy:Do you Know Anybody That Knows How To Make Kick Ass Laouts AND actually listen to my problem & knows wut they are doing?

Harleygurl:Add LaLA...Shes A Total MySpace Whore..She Could Probally Help You

by Leslie Leighanne September 30, 2006
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Myspace whore ~girl or guy who have more "friends" on myspace then they know in the world they actually live in. One who goes to the bar at night to meet a person face to face because they need to get what the people in the town wont give them
Damn, A Nice Ass, but way to many friends on here, man she has alot of guy friends, wonder if she is just a myspace whore
by ashopie February 11, 2008
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guys or girls that add as many good looking of the opposite sex and then flirt via comment box, messages, picture comments to the point where they start talking via aim/msn/yahoo and then progress to txting/calling that person to where they finally meet up and mess around even though they just met each other, and then only talk to that person here and there to keep them interested.
omg i can't believe we did that stuff last night! i wasn't planning on it since we just met and all! hope you're not like that with all the other girls!!

(days later) re:
haha, i didn't plan on it either

kay good! so when are you going to come over again or are you just a myspace whore??

(week later)re:
hmmm i duno! i've got alot of stuff going on this week...

(never hears from again)
by perfectluve20 June 4, 2006
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someone A:"all david does all day is upload pics to myspace"
someone B:"ya cuz he's a savyon emo and a myspace whore"
someone A:"i know... he's mega gay"
by yoav koko January 16, 2008
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someone who is addicted to myspace....their name might start with a "F"
and they might make a myspace for their cat... and they usuly refer to something to something over/on myspace in a conversation in person
Felicia your a fucking myspace whore XD
by juggalo_d February 1, 2009
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This is a person that will instigate a fight between himself/herself and another person on their friends list by alluding towards the person in a negative manner either indirectly or directly, usually through blogs, comments or bulletins. The other person will usually retaliate, and start a "myspace war." The drama often ends up affecting both persons in real life, along with other mutual friends that are involved.
Kim is acting like such a myspace drama whore. Why doesn't she get a real life and grow up?
by You know it's true September 26, 2006
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