An individual who is so weak and fragile that men are unexplainablely drawn to have intercourse with his significant other as there is nothing he can do to stop them.
Logan, being a Cuck Master, has all sorts of men coming and going from his house in the middle of the night and there is nothing he can do about it. His wife-cousin seems to enjoy it though.
by Elite CG June 16, 2023
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A horny, whiney imposter pretending to be the real Master Chief and dicking around on Paramount's Halo TV series. Master Cheeks got his name for refusing to wear his helmet and now his pants, baring his "master cheeks" around in episode 3 and 8.
Lord Hood: Master Cheeks, you mind telling me what you're doing with that Covenant chick?
Master Cheeks: Sir, finishing this fuck session.
by Johnny Halo 117 May 19, 2022
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Something that Anakin Skywalker doesn’t have.
You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master.- Mace Windu
by MCK1705 June 28, 2020
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Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations.
The term "Ascended Master" was first used by Baird T. Spalding in 1924 in his series of books, "The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East" (DeVorss and Co.).
by kaosmoker September 30, 2018
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The single greatest member of the superhero detective team, Aqua Teen hunger Force. Alias' include; the Drizzle, the Fume, and the Puddle. known for selling sacks of talking meat to alien freak shows, getting drunk with alien fraternity members, not paying bills, urinating in Carl's, his neighbor's, pool, and tossing depressed Happy Time Harry dolls off of cliffs for the purpose of making them immortal.
"Teeth are for gays! That's why faeries come and take them away!"
"You little meat! you don't have to get in that bag... Now you get in that bag, or you'll never learn RAM!"
"Cursed? ya think? he only said it like a thousand times!"
"Dancing is forbidden!"
by Da Trux May 4, 2005
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A term used, mostly by inner city teens and young men/women, as a reference to a female that is a mother of a child and/or children.
Friend: "Yo Raheem, you hear that Brenda got a baby?"

Raheem: "Yeah, son. She's a born master."
by Spankoholic April 14, 2009
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A wank enthusiast that eat, sleeps and breathes anything assiocted with wanking.
Slaughty: hanks at it again he can't keep he's bloody hand off it.
Hazey: I know he's an absolute wank master
by Slaughty November 25, 2014
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