Noun, adjective.
1 : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
2 : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex

Derived from Lance Bass after his coming out of the closet.

See faggot
"Dude, stop touching my ballz, that's totally Lance!"
"Hey, Lance, you still slurping jizz?"
"That's about the most Lance thing I've ever seen."
"Yeah, I love men. Yeah, I'm Lance. Wanna fight about it?"
by Travis McLennan September 2, 2006
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Little scrawny boy, no friends, no life, no clout, no bitches. Dick rides his cousins that start with the following: Kyle or Leandre. Dick rides his friends. Small penis to the point where it’s microscopic. Lonely, but has his lil bro with him. He’s also fruity and ALWAYS son his man period whenever you do the slightest thing like breathing or some shit.
Bro why do you always gotta pull off a Lance
by tuhmayto June 21, 2019
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shit or poop, to shit, or shat or shitting.
1) Oh man i just lanced my pants!
2) Who lanced and didnt flush?
3) Ha Ha lance the bed!
4) Dude your house smells like lance
5) Man i gotta lance so bad
by toomey hahaha <3 September 10, 2008
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To lose a game and or sport by one ball (billiards)
I played a game of pool and got lanced! That joker must have hustled me.
by WahDahTah September 23, 2010
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Lance is a very UN popular discord user that is famous for their connie lip bite meme. They also ship deku x todo x baku x uruaka
lance: hey babygrill :connielipbite;

you: silence.😐
by Lets commit arsen tg May 3, 2021
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A car obsessed guy, who thinks he knows everything about everything. Never pays back any money he borrows. Most commonly enjoys larger than normal portions of women, and of food.
Usually is referenced to someone being really cocky or full of himself even if he already is a large person.

Hey he hasn't paid me back yet, its been like 4 weeks. He's such a lance. He's probably broke because of his expensive girlfriend and his damn ford.

by David crocket anderson July 10, 2008
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