Usually known as someone who drinks whiskey recklessly, and hits on servers, all while wearing a Kilt.
Polite in general encounters, does not like backhanded comments. Verbally confrontational, well spoken, and insightful.
You were so drunk I think I saw Kilted Fury! (Slap hands)

Why is there a plaque for D"Kilted Fury"H on the wall?
by Judgementalbellevue February 4, 2010
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When ya cock hangs out the bottom of your kilt.
Josli: Brenda look over there terrys got a kilt cock!

Brenda: My god its huge!
by KrRnWi August 6, 2008
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Refers to a grumpy fellow of Scottish decent, generally an American working in the technology sector, who buggers kilt wearers who have passed out from excessive whiskey consumption. Typically a Freemason who gets mild erections from watching log tossing competitions.
That guy over there might look like Kris Kringle but he is definitely a Kilt Bugger.
by Highland Gamer November 6, 2020
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When somebody embarrasses another person or cracks a funny joke or insult to them.
Guy: Ya i had sex with her last weekend, Friend: Bro she said you had a baby meat! Other Friend: ahaaaaaa "Kilt Em"!!!
by timlala April 20, 2011
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When something is ridiculously funny
Bro don't tell me you ate her ass, I'm kilt fam.
by Yung D February 2, 2016
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exhibiting courage in the face of danger; uninhibited, or oblivious to the risk of embarrassment.
Joe's decision to play a full hour of lounge records at the rave was kilts on stilts.
by quantazelle March 23, 2009
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The act of woman reaching up a mans kilt to establish a man's penis size.
by Scotish Snake August 17, 2010
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