The name means that u are a intellegent, happy and and get lots of bitch*s!
Hi, my name is Ideal!
by pasul December 11, 2016
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A word that describes a medium sized square plastic bag or baggie that holds a liquid (whether it's juice, water, or cream based) to drink on a hot day.

To open, one of the corners should be bitten off. (then proceed to suck)
Can be served chilled or frozen.

Mainly used in countries like Belize.
What kind of ideal did you get Kristy?

How much is that blue ideal sir?
by No.1Paletas November 22, 2021
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by November 2, 2020
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A person who knows everything, but don't understand nothing.
This person is so Idealical they havetwo options, but doesn't have one single clue.
by 🥓 March 12, 2020
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Argues for a state religion to keep scapegoating institutionalized.

Views secularism and liberalism as a mass distribution of the scapegoating impulse.
Russian idealism views democracy as a mass distribution of the scapegoating impulse.

It pushes for a state church, state infrastructure, and mecha-pagan aesthetics (in a Soviet context) to consolidate scapegoating.
by tomorrowtomorrow December 23, 2018
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Small and Mighty, That's the Ideal Accomodation
by mkgky15 November 16, 2017
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