Quit grinding on that girl, instead of quit socially dry humping that girl.
by TheDumpsterSucker January 27, 2016
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A dance where 12 year old boys on vine dry-hump the floor because they cant get real girls.
"I walked in on Cameron grinding in his room after Kim rejected him"
by MakkHi August 17, 2015
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when a girl shakes and moves her ass on a guys crotch and the guy moves with her ass
Yo i was grindin on that ass last night
by Matt M. May 28, 2004
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whist dancing, a person, usually female, while rub her rump on the crotch of a guy. if timed right can lead to the male's orgasm. a form of a dry hump.
yo man, we was doin the grind out there, she can really shake dat ass of hers
by sum guy January 28, 2003
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A way of dancing that can be described as a feeling like getting punched in the balls with a really nice ass over and over and over and over again
Yo, Prom last night was Bomb! Me and this chick were grinding so much that my balls started to hurt!
by john doe deer May 15, 2011
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A form of the most horny dancing imaginable. Guys looking for ass will grind profusely with random girls in order to pursuade them to come home and get some bun action. Involves pushing the male genitalia up the ass of the female.
At the club last nite, I got hammered and was grinding with every girl in there...so much, that my package was sore the next day
by BONE May 3, 2003
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A repetitive task usually involved in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role playing game (MMORPG) where a character's skill's are based entirely on killing monsters to gain strengths or levels. In most MMORPGs, there is no skill from the player involved, so anyone who plays 20 hours a day of grinding will be stronger than a player who does not. MMORPGs become a game genre filled with those who are too slow to play First-Person Shooters (FPS) or too dumb to play Real Time Strategy (RTS) but want to brag and be 1337 g4m3r so they play 20 hours a day and boast to "n00bs"
me_is_n00b: Johnny, what level are you?

Grinding_Johnny210: I'm level 250+

me_is_noob: wow you are so uber 1337! You must be so good at this!

Grinding_Johnny210: Yea, it's pure skill.

me_is_noob: I wish i could grind like you, unfortunately, I have a life, a job, a car, a girlfriend..

Grinding_Johnny210: You suck n00b!
by dude112233 January 8, 2006
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