When you tie a scrunchy around your dick then dip it water and splash it around.
Scott gave that girl a Blue Gatorade... Nice!
by Sexy scott85 September 3, 2016
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Adjective. When a girl is so loose and stretched out that when you are having intercourse you need to ask her "is it in you?". Usually is the result of years of sluttiness or perhaps having a lot of children.
Friend 1: How was that dancer you brought home last night?
Friend 2: Great to look at but definetely a gatorade girl.


Hey let's go to the bar, order up some gatorade and make some bad decisions
by 3xMOP March 1, 2010
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NOUN - home brewed absinthe put into an empty gatorade bottle (or perhaps another energy sports beverage) that is braught to school or work.
Me Hey, smell this gatorade
friend oh my, your green gatorade has gone rancid
Me It's absinthe
by Skin Twig September 2, 2005
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Jiggaboo-gatorade a term also known as grape soda, Nigletss always have atleast 4 gallons on them at all times if not the nigglet will panic and go into a rage where 6 year old white bitches are ussally raped as a way to honor the nigglets god Jay-z. Once the bitch is raped the niglets have to suck nigger juice out of their brothers the Niggers.
by SwagChriss November 30, 2015
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a drink you sip on when you are high, blue gatorade tastes better when you are high.
pass me the blue gatorade i’m feelin’ sexy.
by popmolly June 9, 2020
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when someone who hasnt brushed their teeth in days drinks a drink, like gatorade, staining the teeth so they walk around with red teeth.
whens the last time he brushed his teeth? look at those gatorade teeth!
by popsicle? May 8, 2011
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