A gaggle of dicks; meaning a disorderly group of dicks. Sometimes incorrectly called a bunch of assholes.
"A bunch of assholes live on this street."

"No, I wouldn't say that. It's more like a dick gaggle."
by v.kernel October 27, 2013
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"vag" meaning vagina. A group of women, usually in a casual social setting, having a typical women group conversation.
"Tom got caught in a vag gaggle" This means that one of your friends was left alone in a conversation with a group of women.
by High Low Jack January 13, 2013
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A flock a bitchy women with stinky pussy's
I ran into a gaggle of cunts at the supermarket and had to make sure I wasn't at the fish hatchery.
by Dr.wise December 2, 2017
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A group of gay, or particularly douchey individuals.
Adam, Jacob, Riley, and Connor are quite the gaggle of faggots.
by xxDogLiquorxx February 12, 2010
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A bus containing at least 5 or more complete douche bags.
"There's a gaggle of douches in that Gaggle bus!"
by MyithZ January 17, 2012
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