A fro residing on the head of a Jew
A jewish fellow who undoubtably has, a fro.
by Tito Johnson October 10, 2003
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The unshaven hair found in between the legs of a member of the female species.
Bill - "I wanted to eat her out, but I didn't want anything getting stuck in my teeth."

Ted - "Yeah, you gotta watch out for those hoe fros!"
by Lorden December 18, 2008
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When a grossly unshaven lady has a camel toe, resulting in a camel fro.
Dude A: "Yo, is dat chick's pants thick with the clit or does she have a camel fro?"
Dude B: "Awe man, likely she hasn't shaved in a while and has a fro... ya know, a camel fro!"
by GlazeHer September 25, 2013
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The fro that resides on the head of a Christian. Often confused with a Jew Fro.
Guy 1: I hate that kid with the Jew Fro he hates Jesus.

Guy 2: Naw dude that's a Christian Fro, he's loves Jesus!
by Cfol11 November 22, 2015
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1. the state of ones hair after getting out of the bed in the morning; bed head.

2. whenever afro hairdos are in style.
Napoleon Dynamite never fixed his hair before going to school. Eventually his wild puffy hairdo became the status fro and everyone adopted the style.
by Fotofly November 30, 2010
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Being in favor of keeping an afro, or letting an afro grow.
"Hey man, why are you growing your hair au naturale? This isn't the 70s."
"Haters gonna hate, but I'm fro-life."
by psiidagama August 15, 2013
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Did you see the boner fro on Arnold? Some lucky girl is gonna need a machete to find the D
by djangles April 25, 2014
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