Where one or more guys cover there face like with a ski mask etc. and then show some woman or women there dicks and often waving it up and down like ca flag hence the term flagging and then they run.
by The Fury 13 December 21, 2010
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Scientology training center located in Clearwater, FL at the Ft. Harrison. One of the 'religions' head offices.
by Xen0n June 23, 2005
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my homies back in da hood came up with this shit. It is the paper with which you roll your weed up in.
Damn, i ran out of flags, pop me another.
by Gangsta December 13, 2004
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Pull someone's shorts or pants down.
"I got flagged". Someone snuck up behind me and pulled my britches down.
by Craig B September 8, 2005
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Kelly is a flag.

A fag?

No, a FLAG. A Friend of Lesbians And Gays.
by Fun Dementalist March 12, 2009
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Yes Karen its you
Yes Karen its you had to much wine
No Karen no one likes your book club
Yes KAREN are you trying to get this flagged.
by snitch_nine June 15, 2020
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I am going to Flag for taining
by Ann. November 7, 2005
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