A psuedoscientific term created by the misogynists who call themselves "Men's Rights Activists" to justify their claim that just because men control almost all the positions of power (the "apexes") doesn't mean that any discrimination against women happened.
Normal human: "You ever notice all 43 American presidents have been men?"
Misogynist: "That's the apex fallacy, I can find 43 poor guys, too! Therefore, women have just as much power as men -- no, even more power than men! Child support is theft! All rape reports are false!" *foams at the mouth*
by roguelexiographer May 1, 2013
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Are week minded,they are the type that always falls victim,too here say;they approach the other person with nonsense and place their selves in situations they should have never been in..........
fallacy ligacrygist: see fallacy also see ligacrygist..
by regardless devon victory February 22, 2008
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A word combination used to denote anal sex and brownie shit house cream pies( anus oozed semen soaked feces).
Call me if you would like to saunter fallacious.
by R. Aaron Hamilton January 11, 2009
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The Current Year Fallacy refers to any argument of flawed logic (also known as a fallacy) that attempts to use ‘the current year’ as a reason to push any given political, or social, reform.
‘Come on, it’s 2015!’-John Oliver (An example by prominent talk show host John Oliver using the Current Year Fallacy)
by shane_the_killer February 15, 2018
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A vegan must never assume that something is vegan unless and until it's confirmed to be vegan.
A vegan realised that he/she consumed a non-vegan product by failing to check the ingredients label, therefore falling prey to "Vegans Assumption Fallacy".
by Kevin Honesh January 13, 2023
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A phrase frequently used by Yankees announcer Michael Kay to refer to the flawed logic behind thinking that event x is set in stone and would have happened regardless of all events leading up to it.
Michael kay:” You don’t want to fall victim to the fallacy of the predetermined outcome, but you have to wonder how things are different if the umpire called that pitch a strike.”
by Lolknicks April 10, 2021
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It is a logical fallacy that can be identified as when someone says something so absolutely ridiculous and stupid you just want to slap them with your dick because they seriously believe the shit they're saying.
My Roommate: Seriously, if Flash ran into space fast enough he would take all of the air with him.

Me: It really doesn't work that way.

My Roommate: You're fucking stupid, how the fuck did you even get into college?

Me: That is a textbook no true douchebag fallacy *dick slap to the face*
by Bitch Puddin' February 14, 2012
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