Someone who thinks that facebook is so relevent that we need to make up urban dictionary entries for it. These entries are so weak and not part of normal speech that they end up with a thousands of thumbs down.
A: "Have you been checking UD? What's with all the shitty entries lately, such as "straight like" & "comment jump"?

B: "Yeah, what kind of fuck face thinks up some gay shit like that."

Please no more shitty word of they day choices, so bad that I loose faith in humans.
by pointless3 January 12, 2011
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An ugly bitch who u wld never stick your tounge in but u would stick your dick in.
Joe: Susan Boyale has a fuck face.
Bob: Shit yeah, i would definitely stick my dick in that.
by beefstick42 January 22, 2011
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A pronoun used to describe a politician or scoundrel.
"What's Fuck Face doing in Iraq anyhow?"
by Carlos Caliente December 2, 2005
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Two guys commiting an act of dooshbaggary in a wendy's parking lot with their high beams on in the direction of your car.
"You got a problem, FUCK FACE?!?!?!?" (shake head violently)
by Frank, Josh, Alex April 27, 2006
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(verb/gerund) The definition should be self-explanatory: something only a male can do. To fuck a face is to repeatedly ram your cock into the mouth of an individual. In most cases, the mouth is a more-than-adequate substitute for the preferred vagina or anus.

Fucking face is a very popular past-time for gay male couples and heterosexual couples. Anyone can suck face, but lesbians cannot truly fuck face for obvious reasons. In their case, the tongue is a more-than-adequate substitute for the depraved penis.
Lola: "Hey Steve, why didn't you guys come to my party last night?"

Steve: "Oh, Bruce and I started fucking face and couldn't stop."

Lola: "Well you missed all the fun! Darren gave Chuck a rusty trombone and I sat on Joe's face!"

Steve: "Well, fuck me dead and bury me pregnant!"
by Rick Roberson January 26, 2011
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